
Crimson Color


rgb(220, 20, 60)

Blue Violet Color


rgb(138, 43, 226)

Golden Rod Color


rgb(218, 165, 32)

Maroon Color


rgb(128, 0, 0)


Abril Fatface Font

Learning Coding is challenging but there is light at the end of the Turnel

Learning Coding is challenging but there is light at the end of the Turnel

Learning Coding is challenging but there is light at the end of the Turnel

Merriweather Font

Learning Coding is challenging but there is light at the end of the Turnel

Learning Coding is challenging but there is light at the end of the Turnel

Learning Coding is challenging but there is light at the end of the Turnel

Work Sans Font

Learning Coding is challenging but there is light at the end of the Turnel

Learning Coding is challenging but there is light at the end of the Turnel

Learning Coding is challenging but there is light at the end of the Turnel

Text Styles

H1: Main page heading

Font-weight: 700
Font-size: 26px
Font-family: Nunito Sans;

H2: Subheading

Font-weight: 500
Font-size: 18px
Font-family: Courier New;

P: Paragraph text

Font-weight: 400 (regular)
Font-size: 14px
Font-family: Poppins